
Shattered union xbox
Shattered union xbox

  1. #Shattered union xbox manual
  2. #Shattered union xbox Pc

In fact, they are so unpopular that, soon after their arrival, California and Texas declare home rule and secede from the Union. They are less than popular with the locals. In the interest of maintaining trade relations, the European Union dispatches detachments of armed peacekeepers into the ruins of Washington to help rebuild the city, maintain order, and eventually reestablish the original government. After he gets himself a second term in a blatant sham election, domestic terrorists detonate a low-yield nuclear device over Washington DC on Inauguration Day, killing most of the United States federal government and breaking the line of presidential succession. Six years prior to the beginning of the game, David Jefferson Adams is elected as America's 44th President, and a highly unpopular one at that, resulting in high levels of domestic unrest, terrorism, and armed resistance that leads to the instituting of martial law.

#Shattered union xbox Pc

Shattered Union is a turn-based strategy game on hex maps, released on PC and Xbox in 2005, on Steam 2006. PAGES WILL BE DELETED OTHERWISE IF THEY ARE MISSING BASIC MARKUP. DON'T MAKE PAGES MANUALLY UNLESS A TEMPLATE IS BROKEN, AND REPORT IT THAT IS THE CASE.

shattered union xbox


shattered union xbox

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    #Shattered union xbox manual

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  • Shattered union xbox